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Multi-Generational Project House

A customisable house for multigenerational living.

A Space for Everyone.
Bringing Families Together.

The Multi-Generational House was created to address the changing living habits of New Zealanders. With the rising cost of buildings and land, extended families are joining together to build homes. This inspired the project’s concept of accommodating multiple generations under one roof, with shared and private spaces.

The house offers a large gathering space for the whole family, as well as private indoor and outdoor areas for more intimate gatherings. The design considers the different requirements of each family, ensuring that the house can be configured to suit the unique needs of the residents. Whether for economic reasons or simply to enjoy each other’s company, the Multi-Generational House provides a comfortable and functional living space for extended families.

Request a consultation or call back

To make an enquiry, book a consultation or request a call back from us, please complete the form, provide some information about your project and your details, and we will reply as soon as we are able.